First Synadia Release - Java Nats
Today I released my first software for Synadia. I was tasked with re-writing the Java client library for NATs, and despite a few hiccups released a library I am really proud of today. The new library is easy to use for publishing messages:
Connection nc = Nats.connect("nats://myhost:4222");
nc.publish("subject", "hello world".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
and allows the developer to control threading for listening to messages:
Dispatcher d = nc.createDispatcher((msg) -> {
String response = new String(msg.getData(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
On top of that it supports TLS and is really fast. On my work machine I am getting the following performance as measured by an automated benchmark I included in the code. Over 10M/s messages published and the possibility of 4M/sec round trip is really cool. Also, the latency is around 50-60 microseconds on average which isn't quite the numbers I got with the Java FTL client, but that was all JNI and this is pure Java with no external dependencies. The library even uses a simple regex-based parser for the INFO message sent from the server to avoid a dependency. So all this performance fits in a 68k jar file.
Running warmup
Current memory usage is 692.68 mb / 981.50 mb / 14.22 gb free/total/max
Executing tests ........................................
PubOnly 0b 10,000,000 10,147,222 msg/s 0.00 b/s
PubOnly 8b 10,000,000 9,857,375 msg/s 75.21 mb/s
PubOnly 32b 10,000,000 10,678,299 msg/s 325.88 mb/s
PubOnly 256b 10,000,000 8,988,170 msg/s 2.14 gb/s
PubOnly 512b 10,000,000 6,322,581 msg/s 3.01 gb/s
PubOnly 1k 1,000,000 4,012,467 msg/s 3.83 gb/s
PubOnly 4k 500,000 1,043,112 msg/s 3.98 gb/s
PubOnly 8k 100,000 549,231 msg/s 4.19 gb/s
PubSub 0b 10,000,000 2,024,471 msg/s 0.00 b/s
PubSub 8b 10,000,000 2,302,611 msg/s 17.57 mb/s
PubSub 32b 10,000,000 2,245,336 msg/s 68.52 mb/s
PubSub 256b 10,000,000 1,862,266 msg/s 454.65 mb/s
PubSub 512b 5,000,000 1,697,379 msg/s 828.80 mb/s
PubSub 1k 1,000,000 1,320,446 msg/s 1.26 gb/s
PubSub 4k 100,000 387,256 msg/s 1.48 gb/s
PubSub 8k 100,000 196,183 msg/s 1.50 gb/s
PubDispatch 0b 10,000,000 4,361,305 msg/s 0.00 b/s
PubDispatch 8b 10,000,000 4,457,893 msg/s 34.01 mb/s
PubDispatch 32b 10,000,000 4,282,411 msg/s 130.69 mb/s
PubDispatch 256b 10,000,000 2,361,908 msg/s 576.64 mb/s
PubDispatch 512b 5,000,000 2,240,632 msg/s 1.07 gb/s
PubDispatch 1k 1,000,000 1,416,300 msg/s 1.35 gb/s
PubDispatch 4k 100,000 388,592 msg/s 1.48 gb/s
PubDispatch 8k 100,000 201,494 msg/s 1.54 gb/s
ReqReply 0b 20,000 9,525 msg/s 0.00 b/s
ReqReply 8b 20,000 9,644 msg/s 75.35 kb/s
ReqReply 32b 10,000 9,652 msg/s 301.66 kb/s
ReqReply 256b 10,000 8,294 msg/s 2.03 mb/s
ReqReply 512b 10,000 8,295 msg/s 4.05 mb/s
ReqReply 1k 10,000 8,379 msg/s 8.18 mb/s
ReqReply 4k 10,000 7,897 msg/s 30.85 mb/s
ReqReply 8k 10,000 7,420 msg/s 57.97 mb/s
Latency 0b 5,000 33 / 50.15 / 146 +/- 0.78 (microseconds)
Latency 8b 5,000 36 / 50.51 / 136 +/- 0.80 (microseconds)
Latency 32b 5,000 37 / 49.80 / 142 +/- 0.79 (microseconds)
Latency 256b 5,000 41 / 56.55 / 170 +/- 0.91 (microseconds)
Latency 512b 5,000 42 / 57.59 / 182 +/- 0.93 (microseconds)
Latency 1k 5,000 35 / 48.96 / 164 +/- 0.79 (microseconds)
Latency 4k 5,000 37 / 51.73 / 232 +/- 0.84 (microseconds)
Latency 8k 5,000 39 / 56.14 / 344 +/- 0.91 (microseconds)
Final memory usage is 5.99 gb / 6.05 gb / 14.22 gb free/total/max
One of the great things about this project is that I got to dive in to the NATs protocol. The protocol is very simple, but supports messaging in a fast, simple way. I am really happy with this first project, and looking forward to the next (although hoping it is in go instead of Java.)